Country-level Land Cover - categories and transitions
Country-level Land Cover Categories
Country-level Land Cover Categories (CLCC) has information about land cover categories areas (in km2) on a country level.
You can download the data files for different years from 1992 to 2015.
Country-level Land Cover Transitions
Country-level Land Cover Transitions (CLCT) has information about transitions (net changes) of the land cover categories areas (in km2) on a country level over five-year periods.
Positive values indicate an increase of the given land cover category area and negative values indicate a decrease of the given land cover category area.
You can download the data files for different five-year periods between 1992 to 2015.
Country-level Land Cover Gross Changes
Country-level Land Cover Gross Changes has information about gross changes of the land cover categories areas (in km2) on a country level over five-year periods.
We appreciate feedback regarding these datasets, such as suggestions, discovery of errors, difficulties in using the data, and format preferences.
Please submit comments to the GitHub issue tracker or contact Jakub Nowosad directly.
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Hadley Wickham, Romain François, Lionel Henry and Kirill Müller (2019). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version
Maximillian H.K. Hesselbarth, Marco Sciaini, Jakub Nowosad and Sebastian Hanss (2019). landscapemetrics: Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns. R package version 1.1.